Why The Graph is future of Web3
Why The Graph is critical to Web3
Are you a Web3 developer and want to find a reliable data source for your dApp? Are you a non-dev but want to participate in a blockchain’s network? Are you an entrepreneur who wants to build an enterprise in crypto industry? Are you an ordinary user who hate how social media control your activity and want to switch to dApp (Web3)? Are you investor? Or Are you interested in passive income? Or you just want to find another unicorn in crypto space?
Am I asking too much? That is my thoughts when start to study about The Graph. You will come to know why!
The Graph Network will enable truly decentralized applications
Yaniv Tal — The Graph Project Lead
Why until now we mention dApp again while it is already exploded several years ago? Well as you can see there are none of dApps can make a big impact since CryptoKitties. There are many reasons for that, but the biggest reason is the developers is lacking reliable data resource and time to get it. In this context, The Graph appears as a savior which can help resolve the headache problems existed for a long time. It is no exaggeration to say The Graph is critical to Web3, especially decentralized apps.
Why I am so excited about The Graph
The Graph is no suprisingly a Unicorn Project in this space and we cannot deny the potential of this project. I will tell you why I believe in The Graph. Please continue reading below!
1. You are a developer and want to build your own dApps? The Graph provides subgraphs and all data needed are carefully deployed in Explorer for you to query. For your information, all the biggest DeFi projects i.e. Uniswap, Synthetix or AAVE are using subgraph.
2. Are you a non-dev but still want to participate in the network’s ecosystem? Don’t worry, The Graph and their incredible community provides you all necessary docs. All you need to do is just to follow step-by-step.
3. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to build your enterprise in crypto industry? Well The Graph Foundation Grants can help help turn your ideas into reality
4. Afraid of security of the network? Why should you worry while The Graph is being audited by famous audit companies (OpenZeppelin, Trail of Bits, Consensys Diligence)?
5. Afraid of the accuracy of blockchain data? Well, The Graph have a World Class team behind plus a strong network organization with the participation of Indexers, Curators, Delegators who will make sure that the data you query is the most accuracy data you can find in blockchain space.
6. Afraid of the congestion on Ethereum network when querying data? Well the integration of other layer-2 blockchain will happen soon on The Graph network and make your worry fly away.
7. Afraid of aping into another ghost town blockchain project? Well usage of The Graph also grown 10x, from 1 billion monthly queries in June to over 10 billion this November, averaging over 350 million queries per day.
8. Afraid of running your own nodes? The Graph provide hosted service so that team who want to build on The Graph will find it very easy and comfortable
9. Afraid of the sustainability of a blockchain project in long term? Well The Graph Foundation and The Graph Council is here to stay. They will have the responsible to develop and grow project’s ecosystem to make sure everything will be sustainable in their long journey.
10. Investor? Need Passive Income? The Graph will provide decentralized network to allow anyone run a node to contribute whatever they want from validation, indexing, caching, to query processing to the network.
11. Hate Web2 because of its controlling and want to switch to Web3? Then this is the right place where you can begin your Web3 journey.
The Graph Explorer
The Graph Explorer is where developers can find their expected subgraph for their building. As DeFi booming, subgraphs with respects to DeFi is the most used on The Graph Network. NFT — one of the core components in DeFi ecosystem is emerged recently and pointed out as one of the hottest upcoming trend. NFT may varies from digital arts to collectibles in games. I specially pay attention to gaming collectibles aspect, as Game has long been an indispensable part of the daily entertainment needs of people. According to a research, gaming industry is expected to reach USD 159 Billions in 2020 despite the pandemic. Therefore, it is no surprised that gaming subgraphs are the most critical for Web3 in the next time.
Why I am happy to be a Curator in The Graph Curator program
I am honored to be part of The Graph Curator program. At first, I am a little bit worried after knowing that you need to be a half-dev to be a Curator of the network while I am a non-dev. But everything happens when I start to do the role has changed my mind. There are many other things I can do like creating contents, translation project’s docs into my native language to help other community members knowing more about The Graph, making Meme. By that ways, I have also learnt many things about the projects including technical parts. I can now deploy my own subgraph to help the project expand their Explorer. I am so happy, excited and proud that I have made a small contribution to the overall success of the project. And I am even more excited when The Graph is very close to the official launch. When the mainnet launch, it is time for me to work harder, contribute more efforts to the project because I know there will be an unbelievable amount of users joining the network. This is just the beginning. The best is yet to come!
Curator Name: justacryptonoob